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> Total Members: 856
> Newest Member: BigDave

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> Legendary22:02:00
> FiReWall 2 days
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02-01-2025 18:25
Steven has not announced a reunion yet. I've msg'd him on fb lets see if he's still up for it. Also best wishes to you all!

25-12-2024 13:42
hey all when is the reunion i didnt get an email this year.

24-12-2024 16:19
Merry Christmas to everyone, looking forward to seeing all of you at the reunion! Grin

24-12-2024 11:13
Merry xmas Smile

23-12-2024 19:46
Happy holidays and Happy birthday to us : Smile

Shoutbox Archive


Welcome to the official Belgium Fraggers web portal!

The Belgium Fraggers are a group of members and server administrators,
unified in creating fun and memberships in the gaming industry.

We provide a members website/forums, teamspeak and public gaming server.
The clan is recruiting players, for fun or for scrims, for Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.

The SilEnT Mod server of the Belgium Fraggers is maintained with the highest level of integrity.
The Belgium Fraggers teach foundational respect within its structure.

We are recruiting new players for our .Be| BEGINNERS XPS public server on W:ET.
All players wear the .Be| Clan tag. Having a high kill ratio, a good attitude and excellent teamwork capabilities
are plus points for new applicants who wish to join our clan.

We hope you enjoy all that the Belgium Fraggers Gaming Community has to offer.

Chief Executive Officer


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